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Applications available for Salem Health Foundation scholarships

Mar 09, 2017

The Salem Health Foundation announces that scholarship applications are now available for students in medically-related fields of study.

To receive a scholarship application packet, please visit www.salemhealth.org/scholarships and click on the “Salem Health Foundation scholarship” link.

Completed application packets must be received by email at  foundation@salemhealth.org no later than April 14. Applications may also be mailed to the Salem Health Foundation, P.O. Box 14001, Salem, OR 97309 and postmarked by April 12. No late applications will be accepted. 

Applicants must have a permanent residence in Marion or Polk County or be a current employee or immediate family member of a current employee at Salem Health  — and at the time of application must be accepted into or have applied to a formal training program in a health care field. Depending on the specific program of study, there may be one to two years of prerequisite courses to complete prior to applying for the actual program; these prerequisite studies are not eligible for scholarship assistance.

Final selections will be announced by June 30. Please contact the Salem Health Foundation office at 503-814-1990 if you have questions.

The Salem Health Foundation is a charitable, tax-exempt organization that supports medical and medically related projects of Salem Health. The Foundation's 15 volunteer directors help raise funds and manage the resources of the Foundation while distributing the funds according to the wishes of those who have given. Find more information online at the Foundation's Facebook page.

Salem Health Foundation
